Many features…check yourself
standalone lock widget, unlock options, gestures, sense, sensor, custom backgrounds, colors, size, sounds,…
tested on LG 2x
android 2.3
What´s new
v 0.9.2
# Custom Applications can have their corresponding default Icon by ‘Custom App Icon’
# Home Button bugfixes
# SIM state bugfixes
v 0.9.1
# Home Button preferences
# Unread SMS + Missed Call Count with preferences
# Auto start after reboot bugfixes
v 0.9
# Gestures Screen supports Gesture Builder with preferences
# Custom Shortcuts redesign, custom actions and background preferences
# Lock Widget on homescreen, background preferences
# Status bar icon, background preferences
# Preference redesign
# Features stability and many bugfixes
# New Memory management
v 0.5
# Preference redesign
# Feature stability, many Bug fixes
# Memory management
v 0.01.9
# Full Sense Screen:
- custom background fits screen
- set different backgrounds Portrait and Landscape mode and some other fixes
# htc dialer & mail added to shortcuts
# sound code fix & sound file added
# carrier label
# more colors support
# lots of other fixes
v 0.01.8
# Full Sense Screen: visibility of all widgets now fixed
# preferences fix on start + general preference fix
# some code fix
# reduced application size
v 0.01.7
# new Full Sense Screen (Its´s a test feature and work in progress!)
# time style preference
# volume button preferences (lock/sound control)
# fixed home button unlock
# added restore to default settings
# changed vibrate length
# still working on proper memory management!
v 0.01.6
# fixed preference appearance based on screen selection
# added some visual Screen Selection text
# fixed CyanX On Call end (note: auto enabled by default now!)
v 0.01.5
# complete settings overhaul
# sense silver screen
# sense cyanx screen
# fixed keep screen on
# new shortcut icons
# and lots of other fixes…:)
v 0.01.4
# settings rewritten, for better understanding (thanx @mtw4991 for suggestions )
# new lockscreen shortcut icons with predefined shortcut selection (for now)
# swipe up/down:
- long swipe for shortcuts
- short swipe for carousel
# fixing OutOfMemory issues
# changed Bitmap.CompressFormat for custom background from gallery
# custom animations
v 0.01.3
# lock Status bar – optional !!
# still fixing OutOfMemory issues (large photos as background is a pain in Android)
# settings at startUp got messed up, should be fixed now
# new Status bar icon
# keep Screen On when power connected – optional
# changed carousel “phone” icon, so user knows its for phone settings only
# teh Duck background fixed in portrait (still not perfect in landscape mode
v 0.01.2
# fixing OutOfMemory issues
# on power connection option
# on call end option
# custom screen time out settings
# status bar icon option
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