Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download

About Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.

Please make sure your phone has “Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box.

You have two options, either put the Download Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.

Sorry We Dont Have Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download Cheat Android.Another thing is to simply install a file manager app like Astro File Manager, browse the APK and install it. Remember This applications Only For Smartphone Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download Android

Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9

Requirements: Android version 1.5 and higher
Overview: Remote manage and control Android device in web browser!

Remote Web Desktop enable you remotely manage & control your Android device from the computer web browser over any WiFi/4G/3G/2G/USB connection.

# Why Remote Web Desktop
1. Comfortable: use your phone with the comfortable keyboard and mouse.
2. Wireless: fully support all WiFi/4G/3G/2G connections with embedded network bridger, even your mobile carrier doesn't provide a public IP for you.
3. Pure web: don't need install any client on your computer side.
4. USB support: provide usb connection tools for MAC/Linux/Windows.
5. Full featured: most common features were finished, many new features are coming soon.

# Why Upgrade to Full Version
1. No Ads.
2. Secure HTTP enabled, provide 1024 bits RSA encryption.
3. No file upload limits (larger size, high speed and multiple drop&down).
4. Enhanced contact features (group message, add new contact).
5. Full screen Gallery Viewer.
6. Support us to develop more new features.

# Features
* Desktop SMS
Send, read, forward or delete SMS messages. Support long SMS, group messages and fake SMS. Partial support sending MMS.

* File Explorer
Manage pictures, music, videos and files on SD card, transfer files/folders between phone and computer.
Multiple upload by drag-and-drop (for HTML 5 browser).
Gallery Viewer, Media Player, TextEditor, etc.

* FTP Server
Sync files and folders between phone and computer quickly, manage SD card files in Windows File Explorer, browser or FTP client.

* WiFi Keyboard
Type on your phone using your computer's keyboard.

* Webcam (2.2+)
Turns your phone into a wireless camera, view your camera with web browser.
Support both front face and back camera.

* Screen Capture
Take the screen shot and view it in web browser, easier than do it on phone side. Works for both rooted or non-rooted devices.

* Contact Manager (2.0+)
Group, search, create, delete, edit contacts, call log.

* Remote Call
Make a call from computer side.

* Shared Clipboard
Share clipboard text between PC and phone.

* Wallpaper Utils
Set phone wallpaper by upload a picture or online picture.

* APK Web Installer
Backup apps to SD card, and install APK through the File Explorer.

* Personal Web Server
Serve your personal web pages on your phone.

* LogCat
View android logs in web desktop.

* Terminal Emulator
Remotely access Android's built-in Linux command line shell through web browser.

* Notes
Create a note shortcut on phone screen for text file.

Provide 512, 1024 bits RSA encrypt.

* Network Bridge
Support all internet connections (2G/3G/4G/WiFi), even you don't have a public IP, you still can access your phone at any place.

# Features for Rooted Phone
* Remote Control
Remotely control your Android within your computer. Including mouse & keyboard emulation.

# Online Guide

# About Permissions & Security
It requires many permissions just because those features require them, we don't install any spy code in any our apps and don't collect any data from your device.

If you want to scan it with third-part security app, the Lookout app is official recommended to scan the spyware and malware of your Android devices. You can download it here: ... om.lookout

# Third-part Licenses
Ext GWT: Commercial Licensed
Apache Projects & Libraries: Apache License
JQuery: MIT License
Galleria Classic Plug-in: MIT License
Terminal Plug-in: LGPL V3

What's in this version:
# 5.8.9
✔ Added Media Player, now you can dblclick the media file to play it on web desktop side.
✔ Fixed new coming SMS refresh bug, it won't refresh when you are typing reply text now.
✔ Added phone type in contact selector of SMS Editor.
✔ Fixed https bug in Chrome when using bridge mode.
✔ Fixed a context menu bug in File Explorer.

More Info:


Download Instructions:


Download Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download VIA Hotfile

Download Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download VIA Mediafire

Download Remote Web Desktop FULL v5.8.9 (Paid Version) Android Apk App Download VIA Rapidshare

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